English language

My Profile

Name                     Kateryna Solimchuk

Place of living        Rivne, Ukraine

Education              Rivne State Humanitarian University, Foreign Languages                                                                      Department,Master’s Degree, 2000 – 2006

         Place of work        Rivne Classical Gymnasium “Prestige”, teacher of English

         Work Experience  11 years

         Qualification          Category I teacher

         My teaching credo The best teachers are those who show you where to look                                                                    but don’t tell you what to see

     Teaching Philosophy The use of innovative technologies at school is a qualitatively new approach to formation and development of an active, creative, multicultural student. At my lessons I try to use such interactive learning technologies as brainstorming, microphone, mosaics, jigsaw, circle of ideas, unfinished sentences, aquarium, pair and group work, work in threes, changing threes. These activities allow students to learn course material consciously and apply it practically, interact, prove their point of view, develop critical and creative thinking and expand educational opportunities.
The use of educative playing techniques such as role play and dramatization helps me greatly to intensify the learning process. The extension of students’ outlook and the use of knowledge and skills in practice are the main functions of educational games. They also develop students’ memory, attention, thought, imagination, insight, creative abilities, aesthetic sense, cooperative and communicative skills. I am convinced that the use of educational games makes learning more interesting, creates  cheerful atmosphere and facilitates overcoming of difficulties in learning.
One of the most effective innovative technologies used in my work is the project-based technique. It allows pupils to use their knowledge of the subject. Pupils enlarge their views, boundaries of learning English and they get the experience from its practical usage, develop their listening comprehension skills and learn to understand each other while presenting the project. Pupils use reference literature, dictionaries, computers, so it gives them an opportunity to keep in touch with authentic literature.
Implementation of information technologies in my teaching considerably diversifies the process of information perception. Thanks to computers, the Internet and multimedia tools, I provide students with unique opportunities to learn sizeable amounts of information with its subsequent analysis and sorting which substantially expands the motivational basis of educational activity.
The most important task of modern schools and teachers is to form accomplished citizens of their country, develop cognitive interests and abilities of students,foster students’ love for their country, respect and tolerance for other languages and cultures. Therefore, I use developing educational technology, dialogue of cultures and comparative teaching methods. The use of pair and group work and cooperative learning allows every student to be an active participant of educational process.
My Self Portrait  I am happy to be a teacher. I have become a teacher because I want to make a difference in the society with the help of my students. I would like to show my students this colourful world, teach them to understand that everyone should be a citizen of the universe, a patriot of his/her country, teach students to respect other languages and cultures. This is the aim I’d like to achieve as a teacher of foreign language.
Being brought up in the teachers family and observing my grandmother’s and mother’s professional paths, I was determined to become a teacher. Dedication, life optimism and experience that I inherited from my relatives give me the desire to improve my professional skills.
I’m a successful teacher because I have reliable colleagues and cheerful students. A teacher often plays an important role in the life of every person. The teacher educates, helps, consults, suggests, motivates and facilitates his students. Teachers should know their subject. What is more, they need to be aware of the different aspects of life, be open, caring and tolerant to students. Each student is a small universe, and teachers should find the right key to enter this universe and educate a good person. In my lessons, I try to create democratic, sincere, emotional and positive atmosphere of co-work, understanding, kindness and acceptance of pupils’ suggestions. I feel accomplished when I know I have influenced a part of a person’s intellectual and logical development.
As a human being and professional I ask myself: Where am I going? What am I striving for? What is my purpose? How should we develop? And I answer these questions determining optimal teaching methods and techniques that I use teaching the students of Rivne Classical Gymnasium “Prestige”.
A modern teacher requires constant professional development. That’s why I actively participate in different seminars,conferences, webinars and online courses to support my Continuing Professional Development.
      As a person devoted to my profession I always try to be useful to my students, parents and colleagues. Great interest in my job, professionalism, energy and love to children always help me to achieve the goals set.

12 коментарів:

  1. Анонім1/15/2016

    Видно, що хороший вчитель! Успіхів Вам у такій нелегкій, але водночас корисній роботі!

  2. Ви справжній професіонал своєї справи!!! Бажаю Вам успіху!!!

  3. Анонім1/18/2016

    А ще ви класний керівник 10 класу)

  4. Анонім1/19/2016

    Great teacher!
    Good luck!

  5. Анонім2/21/2016

    Really good and professional teacher! Thanks for your work.

  6. Oksana Skakovska2/21/2016

    Kate!You're a very talented teacher!!!Good luck!!!

  7. You're really good and talented teacher! Be satisfied with your work! Wish you to be always active, creative, enjoy your life. Good luck in all your future endeavours!

  8. You're really good and talented teacher! Be satisfied with your work! Wish you to be always active, creative, enjoy your life. Good luck in all your future endeavours!
